Alpine Supply Chain Solutions

Recorded: January 2024

Stay vs. Move: Selecting Your Ideal Warehouse Location


Many businesses face a crucial decision: should they stay in their current warehouse or move to a new one? As business expands, the time eventually comes to decide whether your operation needs an entirely new location, or if your current location can be adapted to account for expansion. This choice can impact growth, costs, and efficiency.

In this webinar, Stay vs. Move: Selecting Your Ideal Warehouse, we discuss all the steps you should take to decide between a greenfield or brownfield investment. One thing is for certain, the first step should always be a storage type analysis (STA) and layout analysis, as that will outline all considerations you’ll want to account for as you make the case for staying or moving. We get into the nitty-gritty of everything to evaluate including, column spacing, dock doors, rack types, the time constraints of designing a new space or updating an existing building, and more!

This session is led by Austin Miller, Design Engineer at Alpine Supply Chain Solutions. Whether a move or a facility redesign is in your future, now is the time to start planning.

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