Alpine Supply Chain Solutions

September 23, 2021

Alpine’s Continued Community Outreach

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Supply chains are complicated, but so is our world! That’s why whenever possible, all of us at Alpine Supply Chain Solutions try to do whatever we can to bring more good into this world, and for us that starts with community outreach. That’s why we’re so excited to share details with you all about our latest participation in two successful fundraising events!

Gigi’s Playhouse:
Down Syndrome is the most common chromosomal disability in the US, and yet it’s the most underfunded. That’s not okay with us which is why we have been participating in Gigi’s annual golf fundraiser for the past 5 years. This year we sent three teams of four, and one had the honor of winning last place! A good time was had by all and the event raised almost $150,000.

Gigi’s Playhouse exists to support individuals with Down Syndrome and their families from initial diagnosis and on, by making a lifetime commitment to remain by their side. They offer therapeutic-based programs, educational opportunities, career development, and more. The organization is 100% donation-run and all programs are offered free of charge. You can learn more and make a donation here.

Cal’s Angels:
Did you know that only 3 new drugs for pediatric cancer have been developed and approved in the past 30 years? More needs to be done and that’s why we got behind Cal’s Angels 2021 More Than Fore™ Golf Outing as a Star Angel Sponsor. Held at the unrivaled Elgin Country Club on September 16, 2021, the event offered a great day of golfing, raising awareness and fundraising for an important cause.

Cal’s Angels has one mission, to grant wishes, raise awareness, and to fund research to help all children fighting cancer. Since their founding in 2007, they have raised over $7.5 million with the help of numerous generous donors and supporters, helping them provide hope and support to thousands of pediatric cancer patients and their families. To learn more and/or donate, visit:

We strongly believe that an investment in our community is an investment in the world. We’re honored to participate in these events, and look forward to helping our community for years to come. If you have any questions or want to get involved, send an email to, and we’ll help in any way we can. We also encourage you to visit the Gigi’s Playhouse website or Cal’s Angels website to learn more about these amazing organizations!

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