Alpine Supply Chain Solutions

March 26, 2020

Learn to Put Safety First in Your Warehouses with a Free Webinar

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Do you have questions about keeping your employees safe and your warehouse productive in this uncertain time? Join Alpine’s Brenda Stoltz, an expert in strategic leadership, operations management and HR programs, for a WERC webinar, “Grow Your Safety Culture: How to Engage Warehouse Employees & Leaders” on Tuesday, March 31 at 2pm EST.

When it comes to safety in the warehouse, compliance is simply not enough. Rather, employees — and leadership — must be committed to not only keeping themselves safe, but also to ensuring the safety of those around them. Topics include best practices in structuring a team and techniques to gain support for, and increase interest in, safety.

Webinar participants also discover the benefits (both expected and unexpected) of a team dedicated to safety; techniques to get hourly employees to buy-in; and how to instill recommended routines that keep everyone informed and invested. Stoltz will also overview ways to establish peer-to-peer accountability — the single-most effective way to generate a safety-conscious culture.

Brenda will also share tips that leading companies are doing today to maintain operations, as well as to protect and communicate with employees and customers. She will share best practices and methods for facilities management, cleaning procedures, crisis planning and employee and customer communications.

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