Co-founded by Alice and Wade Houston in 1994, HJI Supply Chain Solutions (HJI) is a Louisville, Kentucky based logistics services provider. The organization is focused on completely meeting the needs of its clients, a commitment reflected in HJI’s reputation for reliable quality and innovative solutions. When challenges with their Körber WMS implementation threatened their ability to deliver on that commitment, they reached out to Alpine Supply Chain Solutions for help.
An internal resource was recruited to lead the solution implementation and grow application use, but this team member was quickly consumed with day-to-day operational challenges. The Körber implementation stalled and HJI began to wonder if the solution was the right fi t for them. The application felt unstable and appeared to require resources and processes they lacked. At this point, HJI was considering starting all over again with an entirely new WMS system, until Alpine stepped in.
Based on their years of implementation experience and knowledge of the Körber WMS, HJI called in Alpine Supply Chain Solutions to evaluate the next steps. Alpine conducted a Best Practice Analysis to determine the company’s current and future WMS requirements and quickly determined a plan for HJI to get back on track with the Körber implementation. Alpine then re-engaged with Körber and led the execution of the client-side responsibilities
The implementation was a success and, in the process, HJI was able to broaden and deepen its solution knowledge base. They have since successfully rolled the Körber solution out to a larger facility in Louisville and two additional facilities in Memphis. They are securely under Körber’s support wing and are now working to fully link all clients and all warehouses on the application.